Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Thus far in my life's journey has not resembled the discomfort and sacrifice exhibited in the journey Lehi's family took in the wilderness.  That said, I can't help but feel like the principles learned, taught, and applied by the account of Lehi's family on their journey through the wilderness toward to promised land can be directly applied to my journey through mortality toward eternal life.

In 1 Nephi chapter 16, Lehi is commanded one night to resume his journey.  When he awoke in the morning, he found a "round ball of curious workmanship" (v 10) on the ground.  Tools.  We don't even find out what this tool is called until Alma chapter 37, but we know right away that the tool is valuable.  And I know from Lehi's account that the Lord will never ask me to do something without providing the necessary tools that will help me succeed. 

But succeed is not all His tools help me to do.  When Lehi's family followed the directions on the ball, they were led "in the most fertile parts of the wilderness" (v 14).  Not only will the tools He provides help me succeed, His tools will lead me to recognize the most joyous parts of my journey.  When I use the tools He has provided, I am led to the most fertile, rewarding, enriching, converting parts of the wilderness.

Interestingly, Lehi's family finds out right away that the tools the Lord provides to aid us in our journey are only functional according to our "faith and diligence" (v 28).  The tool of modern-day prophets only works as I listen to, act upon, and have faith in their words.  The tool of the temple only works as I maintain the high standard of worthiness and make the effort to attend often.  The tool of the scriptures is only works as I study, ponder, and apply the principles found therein.  The tool of family is only works as I do all I can to prioritize and strengthen those precious relationships.  The tool of the Sabbath Day only works as I honor it.  The tool of marriage only works as I invest in it and do it the Lord's way.  The tool of my calling only works as I strive to fulfill it.  And as I contemplate the many tools the Lord has given me to lead me on my journey back to Him, it all comes together as more evidence of His love for me, and for all of His children. 

"According to the directions which were given upon the ball" (v 30) Nephi found food for his family, literally saving their lives.  I believe that the tools the Lord has given me are no less magnificent, literally life saving.  Recognizing and utilizing these tools helps me understand that it is in fact "by small means the Lord can bring about great things" (v 29).    

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